A Structural-Functional Model for the Stylistic Analysis of Critical Discourse


  • Gholam Mohammad Faghiri


This article first provides a definition of style, stylistic features and a method to recognize these features. Then different approaches to stylistics – structuralist linguistics, formalist linguistics, discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis – are introduced. Critical theory is compared with other linguistic schools in theory and practice. Then, various material, mental, relational, verbal, behavioral and existential processes, which are included in the ideational function of Haliday’s systemic grammar, are illustrated with Persian examples. This paper aims at introducing a structural-functional model of textual sytlistics that can be applied in critical theory.



How to Cite

Faghiri, G. M. (2007). A Structural-Functional Model for the Stylistic Analysis of Critical Discourse. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 5(19). Retrieved from https://journal.translationstudies.ir/ts/article/view/124



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