The Effect of Translating Punctuation Marks on Style
Nowadays issues such as identifying the translator’s narration of the original text and the method of conveying it to the reader is of interest to the theorists of translation. In the interaction of the source and target texts, this is the essence of the meaning that is conveyed from one text into the other. To figure out the meaning of a verbal message, features like tone, pause, and stress are effective; while in a text, in the absence of the author, words alone do not have the ability to create these effects. Hence, the authors employ punctuation marks to compensate for this and to convey their intention to the reader unambiguously; these symbols are also used to express emotional moods in the text and create aesthetic-emotional impact. Therefore, the use of punctuation marks can be regarded as part of the author's style and the translator is bound to carry it over. But it is not that easy and it is an inherent problem in translation. In this research we are going to study the importance of these symbols in the text and the method of conveying them in translation. To this end, we provide a theoretical foundation and examine the translatology of La Douleur by Marguerite Duras.Published
How to Cite
Navabzadeh Shafi’i, S., & Daneshmand, M. (2016). The Effect of Translating Punctuation Marks on Style. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 14(54). Retrieved from
Academic Research Paper
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