Study and Analysis of the Translation of the Passage "Lau Kontom Ta’lamoun" in the Holy Qur’an
Case Study of Verse Four, Surah Noah
The translation of the Holy Qur’an is highly important because it is the word of revelation and the charter of good life. Correct understanding of the verses and its correct translation into the target language requires the translator's mastery of linguistic tools and semantic theories. This research tries to use Abdul Qahir’s Order theory, "Halliday and Hasan’s Cohesion and Austin’s Speech Acts to explain the structure of "lau kontom ta’lamoun" in Verse 4 of Surah Nooh and compares the translations of Haddad Adel and Fooladvand with this view. The result of the research shows that the translation of the letter "Lu" in this verse is more effective as a wish word.
Abdul Qahir's order theory, Austin's speech acts, Halliday and Hasan's cohesion, Structure of lau kontom ta'lamoun, Translation of The Holy Qur'anReferences
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- 2024-05-16 (3)
- 2024-02-29 (2)
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