Lexical Analysis of the Translations of Elahi Ghomshei and Fooladvand from Inheritance Verses

(Based on Garces’s Lexical-Semantic Model)



Nowadays, translations are analyzed on the basis of scientific paradigms, criteria and models. Garces's model is a model based on the principle of equality between the source and target texts and gives criteria for evaluating translations. This model analyzes translations in four lexical-semantic, morpho-syntactic, discourse-functional and stylistic-cognitive levels. Given the importance of inheritance and its division according to the verses of Qur'an, it is necessary to provide accurate translation of the verses. Therefore, the present study intends to evaluate in an analytical-descriptive method the translations of Elahi Ghomshei and Fooladvand, two contemporary translators, of the verses of inheritance according to lexical-semantic level of the Garces model to show the extent of conformity or inconformity of translations with the criteria of this model. So, first, this model and its level of lexical-semantic are briefly introduced. Then, the verse and the extent of application of each criterion in translation plus diagrams are given. In conclusion, after analyzing negative and positive points reveals that Fooladvand translation which is slightly different has a better quality.


Elahi Ghomshei, Fooladvand, Garces model, inheritance

Author Biographies

Seyyed Hussein Mohebatizade, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Iran;

Yusuf Hadipour Nahzomi, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch

Faculty Member, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Iran;


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How to Cite

Mohebatizade, S. H., & Hadipour Nahzomi, Y. (2022). Lexical Analysis of the Translations of Elahi Ghomshei and Fooladvand from Inheritance Verses: (Based on Garces’s Lexical-Semantic Model). Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 20(77), 25–46. Retrieved from https://journal.translationstudies.ir/ts/article/view/936



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