A Mosaic of Arabic-Persian Translation History:

Codex Hudāʾī Efendī


  • Milad Bigdeloo 📧 Ph.D. Candidate in Translation Studies, Department of English Translation Studies, Faculty of Persian Literature & Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran; e-mail: bigdeloo.milad@gmail.com


Early Persian translations of the Qurʾān are invaluable resources for understanding linguistic and translational developments in post-Islamic Iran. This study examines the Codex Hudāʾī Efendī, an Early New Persian translation of the Qurʾān, dated 621AH/1224 and housed in the Hedāʾī Efendī Library in Istanbul. As one of the earliest complete and pure Persian renditions of the Qurʾān, the manuscript is introduced and analyzed in detail for its translational features, with its linguistic characteristics briefly explored. The study identifies archaic and regional terms and touches on phonological features. The translational analysis reveals a predominantly word-for-word approach, maintaining the original Arabic syntax, with occasional modifications and additions likely influenced by Qurʾānic exegeses or the translator’s personal beliefs. Instances of untranslated words, incorrect translations, and interpretative modifications shed light on the translator’s strategies and the challenges of rendering the Qurʾān into Persian. As a case study, this research highlights the manuscript’s significance in understanding the historical, linguistic, and translational context of early Persian Qurʾān translations, showcasing the complexities and challenges of translation practices in early post-Islamic Iran.


Arabic-Persian Translation, Codex Hudāʾī Efendī, Early Persian Qurʾān Translations, Linguistic Features, Qurʾānic Exegesis


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How to Cite

Bigdeloo, M. (2025). A Mosaic of Arabic-Persian Translation History: : Codex Hudāʾī Efendī. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 22(88). Retrieved from https://journal.translationstudies.ir/ts/article/view/1235