A Polygenetic Investigation of Explicitation in English and Persian Translations of the Holy Qur’an
This research looked at the new notion of polygenesis in the translation of sacred scriptures. Polygenesis is an extension of the descriptive translation studies and relies heavily on the explicitation as a translation universal, and assumes that genetically different translations of a holy text can create similar readings. In this study, four translations (2 English and 2 Persian) of the Surah Al-Qiyamah (as a Surah needing explicitation in translation) of the Holy Qur’an were considered, within a qualitative descriptive and critical paradigm. Two purposes were proposed to guide the study: first, to find instances of explicitation in each of the translations descriptively and qualitatively, and second to evaluate the coherence of the current notion of polygenesis. Results showed that, except for one verse, there was no other verse to show similar strategies used by more than two translations. The critical purpose revealed that polygenesis suffered from statistical ambiguities and there were many issues to be considered for it to be validated. Future studies can address these aspects of ambiguity in polygenesis.Published
How to Cite
Karimnia, A., & Gharekhani, R. (2016). A Polygenetic Investigation of Explicitation in English and Persian Translations of the Holy Qur’an. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 14(54). Retrieved from https://journal.translationstudies.ir/ts/article/view/307
Academic Research Paper
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