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Virtual vs. In-person Training in the Field of English Translation from the Viewpoints of Professors and Students of This Field at the University of Mazandaran


  • Mehdi Asadi M.A. in Translation Studies, Khazar Institute of Higher Education, Mahmoud Abad, Iran
  • Zahra Salari 📧 Assistant Professor of English Translation, Department of English Translation, Faculty of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Corona virus made a big challenge in the area of education, and in order to prevent the spread of this disease, virtual education was used. Therefore, the current research tries to determine the advantages and disadvantages of in-person and virtual education by examining and contrasting these two methods in the field of English translation from viewpoints of professors and students of this field at the University of Mazandaran. To this purpose, individual and focus group interviews were conducted with eight professors and 75 undergraduate students at the University of Mazandaran who have experienced both types of education in the era before and after the corona virus pandemic. Grounded theory (Dornyei, 2007) has been applied to analyze the data collected. Finally, it is concluded that virtual method should be used to teach theoretical courses, while the in-person method should be applied to teach practical courses of this field.


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How to Cite

Asadi, M., & Salari, Z. (2024). Virtual vs. In-person Training in the Field of English Translation from the Viewpoints of Professors and Students of This Field at the University of Mazandaran. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 22(85). Retrieved from