Representation of Gender Relations in AVT &


  • Mina Qavami adel


This study was an attempt to investigate representation of gendered identities and gender relations through talk in both the English original and the Persian dubbed versions of a gender-sensitive movie named “The Hours”. Adopting Farahzad’s model of translation criticism and Fairclough’s CDA, the study – which was mainly descriptive and subjective – sought to answer two questions: “1. Does the dubbed version of a gender-sensitive English movie change the representation of gender identities and gender relations by manipulating the language, compared with the ones reflected in and by the original version? 2. If yes, How?” Therefore, gender relations in both versions were examined according to the answers provided to ten questions raised by Fairclough at three levels of vocabulary, grammar and textual structure.



How to Cite

Qavami adel, M. (2010). Representation of Gender Relations in AVT &. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 8(29). Retrieved from



Academic Research Paper