The Analyzability of Translational Language as a Third Code: SL/ST and TL Centripetal and Centrifugal Force
The purpose of the present theoretical-conceptual research was to analyze features of translational language as a third code. Firstly, third code is defined and the demarcation between third code and translationese is highlighted. Then, the relation between source code and third code is analyzed, and the third code is described as being both dependent on and independent of the ST and SL. Third code is described as revealing varying degrees of visibility of the source code, sometimes reducible to the source code itself. Not only third code, but also source and target codes may consist of any number of codes, apart from SL and TL codes. Furthermore, not only the ST itself, but also the SL affects the third code. Finally, the relation between target code and third code is investigated to show that third code might deviate either from target system or from target norm of usage.Published
How to Cite
Tajvidi, G. R., & Rezaeian Delouei, M. R. (2016). The Analyzability of Translational Language as a Third Code: SL/ST and TL Centripetal and Centrifugal Force. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 14(54). Retrieved from
Academic Research Paper
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