Advantages of Comparing and Contrasting Translations with Their Originals


  • Hasan Hashemi-Minabad


In the literature of translation studies and in translation classrooms, students and learners are required to read Persian classics and modern fiction to master the ability to write Persian; little mention is made of functions and advantages of comparing and contrasting translations with their originals. It, being one of the fields of contrastive textology, is of vital importance in language learning, translation education, translation studies, lexicography, finding equivalents for SL expressions and terms, standardization of neologisms, etc. The paper attempts to introduce the concept, enumerating its uses and privileges and giving examples of its uses in learning morphology and syntax of SL and TL.



How to Cite

Hashemi-Minabad, H. (2006). Advantages of Comparing and Contrasting Translations with Their Originals. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 4(15). Retrieved from



Academic Research Paper