Translating Hafez: Examining the Feasibility of a Deconstructive Approach


  • Reza Rezaei 📧 MA Graduate, English Translation, Allameh Tabataba'i University


In the present research attempt is made to employ a Derridean deconstructive theory of translation in analyzing two English translations of some Ghazals of Hafez. To this end, first a logical line of critical theories that somehow serve translation theory and have a footprint in deconstruction is followed. Then, the deconstructive arguments are utilized to analyze a few Ghazals in relation to their translations. Finally, some suggestions are made for further research in this field. In short, the researcher is convinced, relying on the results of the study, that a deconstructive theory of translation is feasible for analyzing the existing translations of Hafez. It was also found that such an approach can reveal certain facts that would go unnoticed using a traditional linguistics-based theory of translation.



How to Cite

Rezaei, R. (2023). Translating Hafez: Examining the Feasibility of a Deconstructive Approach. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 10(40), 127–142. Retrieved from



Academic Research Paper