An Epistemological Approach to Translation Studies



A detailed discussion of the epistemology of translation is beyond the scope of a single paper. Therefore, in the present paper we have explored only few issues. The study of current theories is among the most important objectives of epistemology in any field of science. In this study we have discussed four concepts. Faithfulness is one of the basic concepts in translation studies that we have taken a brief look at. Then, we have discussed two main concepts: source text (Sourciers) and target text (Ciblistes). These two terms are frequently discussed in translation studies. The last part of the paper deals with dichotomies in translation studies including theory vs. practice, translatability vs. untranslatability, and translation as an art vs. translation as a science.



How to Cite

Zendehboudi, M. (2023). An Epistemological Approach to Translation Studies. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 10(40). Retrieved from



Academic Research Paper