Effect of Collocation-Based Specialized Translation Training Course on Improvement of the Specialized Translation Quality
Specialized translation is the most common type of services provided by Iranian translation agencies, therefore, it is of great importance. On the other hand, due to the increasing demand of academic society for high-quality translations, there is a critical need for well-trained specialized translators. Thus, the present study aimed to propose a collocation-based method for specialized translation training courses in Iran. To this end, a quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design was implemented. The statistical population consisted of 270 online Iranian participants, of whom, only 158 completed their training course. Data were analyzed using SPSS-22, one-sample and paired T-tests. Results showed that the collocation-based specialized translation training course is effective in improving the quality of specialized translation. Moreover, the results revealed that the participants had more difficulty in understanding and recognizing lexical synonyms than grammatical ones.
Collocation, English texts, Specialized translation, Translation market, Translator trainiReferences
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