Common Themes and Trends in Four Models of Translation Education:
A Qualitative Meta-Analysis
Within the field of translation education implementation of effective approaches plays a paramount role to foster the students’ growth and development. Although different studies have been done on the application of modern pedagogical principles to translation education, the insights gained from those contextualized and typically non-generalizable single studies would not resolve this major issue. Yet, the cumulation of knowledge from the results of many studies can provide comprehensive understanding of the topic, making the foundation of science solid. Meta – analysis is a central method for knowledge accumulation in many scientific fields, through which those single studies are aggregated to a larger, more generalizable picture. The present paper aimed to analyze the findings of the inclusive and meaningfully pooled studies on translation education. The 4 selected studies for this qualitative meta-analysis have undergone a thorough and line –by-line thematic analysis and coding; and the result revealed that though the studies stood in epistemologically diverse positions, there were still consistency and a relationship between the common themes, and categories that emerged from the relevant qualitative studies. The insights gained from this research will contribute to discussions on translation education and inform the development of effective pedagogical strategies.
Codes, Meta-analysis, Thematic analysis, Themes, Translation educationReferences
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