Overtly-Erroneous Lexico-semantic Errors in Contemporary Resistance Literary Works Translated from Persian into English


  • Mahmoud Afrouz 📧 Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature; University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Resistance literature is one of the most significant types of literature. Presenting this type of literature should not be restricted to the domestic readers. Resistance as a significant cultural concept needs to transcend geographical borders. Translating books which are mainly written to introduce works on resistance literature would be a step towards fulfilling this objective. Constant monitoring of such works and analyzing errors in this respect would result in high quality translations. The present paper aims at examining the overtly-erroneous lexico-semantic errors in literary works translated into English based on a hybrid model presented by Keshavarz (1999), Vilar et al. (2006) and Laksana and Mursita Putri (2018). Findings revealed that none of the errors of omission type (neither in word nor in sentence level) were made. It was also found that 57.20% of all errors had equally occurred as a result of selecting wrong collocations and inappropriate equivalents for lexical items of either general or culture-specific types. Furthermore, choosing wrong idioms, as well as the use of inappropriate form of words totally consisted one third (33.33%) of lexico-semantic errors. Finally, the findings revealed that the lowest percentage of errors (4.80%) was related to the improper addition of unrelated or extra words and the selection of quite ambiguous equivalents.


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2024-05-11 — Updated on 2024-05-11


How to Cite

Afrouz, M. (2024). Overtly-Erroneous Lexico-semantic Errors in Contemporary Resistance Literary Works Translated from Persian into English. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 22(85). Retrieved from https://journal.translationstudies.ir/ts/article/view/1165