An Old Treatise on Translation

Introduction to & Critical Edition of "An Introduction to the Laws of Translation"



"An Introduction to the Laws of Translation" (al-Muqaddima fī Qawānīn al-Tarjuma) is a short treatise written by Shāh Walīullāh Dihlawī, a translator and scholar of the 11th centuryAH in the Indian sub-continent, on the methods and strategies of translation. The present study aimed at introducing this writer, the methods of translation presented by him in this treatise and explaining the translational aspects of such text as well as his favoured method. Dihlawī’s presented methods include word-for-word translation (tarjuma-ye tat al-laf), free translation (bayān-e ail al-maʿnī), an intermediary method between these two as well as his own specific method. From his viewpoint, the ideal method of translation is the word-for-word translation while attempting to transfer the intention of the author. In the next section, the manuscript of this treatise was introduced and attempt was made to produce a critical edition of this text. Further studies about such texts will give us greater understanding about the local history of translation.


Translation History, Translation Methods, Shāh Walīullāh Dihlawī, Laws of Translation

Author Biography

Milad Bigdeloo, Allame Tabataba’i University

M.A. Student, Department of English Translation Studies, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran;


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How to Cite

Bigdeloo, M. (2022). An Old Treatise on Translation: Introduction to & Critical Edition of "An Introduction to the Laws of Translation". Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 20(77), 109–137. Retrieved from



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