A Comparison of Ecofeminist Concepts in a Persian Novel with Its English Translation

A Case Study


  • shima Tayebi Jazayeri 📧 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English Translation Studies, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
  • Farzaneh Farahzad Professor, Department of English Translation Studies, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


The term ecofeminism is a portmanteau, the combination of ecology and feminism. It implies that women have a close relationship with nature. It is possible to trace this relationship with nature in their writings as part of their experience. The present study was an attempt to explore the English translation of ecofeminist concepts in the Persian novel “Sāli Dirakht” [Year of the Tree], which appeared as metaphors and similes. Delabastita’s translational relations were applied for similes. For metaphors, a set of strategies was identified and classified based on Delabastita’s modes of translation of puns. The results were tabulated based on categories of natural elements introduced by ecofeminists and the strategies used for their translation. The findings reveal that natural elements in metaphors and similes were mostly translated into natural elements. As for translation strategies, substitution is the most applied translational relation in similes. Finally, the cases of metaphors translated into metaphors are almost equal to metaphors translated into non-metaphor.


Ecofeminism, Metaphor, Simile, Translation strategies, استعاره، اکوفمینیسم، تشبیه، راهبرد‌های ترجمه


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How to Cite

Tayebi Jazayeri, shima, & Farahzad, F. (2024). A Comparison of Ecofeminist Concepts in a Persian Novel with Its English Translation: A Case Study. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 22(86). Retrieved from https://journal.translationstudies.ir/ts/article/view/1190