Moving away from Translation Programs Toward Educational Projects:
The Case Study of Franklin Publishing House
The current study is an archival microhistorical study of Franklin Publishing House's (FPH) activities in Iran, from 1954, its establishment, to 1976, the end of its activities. The aim was to illustrate a detailed picture of FPH activities in Iran. To this end, first, four sets of archival materials concerning the FPH were thoroughly investigated. Iran’s National Library, the Document and Press Center Management of Astan-e Quds-e Razavi, Princeton University Library, The Library of the US Congress and Elmi Farhangi Institutuion were carefully investigated to find primary sources about FPH. Archival materials included presidents’ annual reports of FPH, correspondences between Tehran office and New York office, correspondences between Tehran office and local publishers, local translators, editors. Then the basic information relating to the study was extracted. FPH’s activities resulted in introducing and propagating American Literature and the enhancement of the local publishing industry through the adoption of contemporary methods in areas such as publication, printing, design, distribution, and advertising. In addition, FPH’s activities in publishing Persian encyclopedia enriched the Persian language, and made it more adaptable to contemporary needs and technological advancements.
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