A Comparative Study of Manipulated Concepts in Literary Translations Published under the Reformist and the Fundamentalist Administrations in Iran


  • Mazdak Bolouri


The present study attempts to examine and classify the manipulated concepts in the literary translations published under the Reformist and the Fundamentalist administrations in Iran after the Islamic Revolution. It tries to analyze the role of the administrations’ domestic and foreign policies in imposing manipulations on the translations of Anglo-American literary works. The results show that ‘moral’ issues such as the description of sexual activity were among the most frequently manipulated concepts in both administrations, but the Fundamentalist administration adopted a more extremist approach in imposing manipulations on such concepts and, at the same time, added more concepts to its no-no list; many concepts which were not considered as taboo during the Reformists’ rule turned out to be forbidden under the Fundamentalists.



How to Cite

Bolouri, M. (2016). A Comparative Study of Manipulated Concepts in Literary Translations Published under the Reformist and the Fundamentalist Administrations in Iran. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 14(53). Retrieved from https://journal.translationstudies.ir/ts/article/view/318



Academic Research Paper