Translation, Hybridity and Migration



Translation studies as an interdisciplinary approach has brought together many disciplines such as psychology, literature, philosophy and more recently cultural studies besides many other fields. Apart from the growth each of these fields has brought to translation theories, the expansion of cultural studies and especially post-colonialism into the field has made the borderline between cultural studies and translation studies fuzzier. As a result of this and following the cultural turn in translation studies, micro-level considerations have given way to macro-level ones, viewing translation in the larger context of culture as a whole. This study, having the same concerns, aims at exploring textual and cultural hybridity in the English translation of The Blind Owl translated in the migration setting.

Author Biographies

Farnaz Safdari

MA Graduate, English Translation, Shahid Beheshti University

Hussein Mollanazar

Assistant Professor, Department of English Translation, Allameh Tabataba'i University



How to Cite

Safdari, F., & Mollanazar, H. (2012). Translation, Hybridity and Migration. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 9(35). Retrieved from



Academic Research Paper