Translating the Other in American Animations



The present research was an attempt to explore the strategies employed by the translators and the dubbing team to translate the Other’s culture. Aixelá (1996) and Corrius and Zabalbeascoa’s (2011) frameworks were modified to analyze the Other’s elements and the third language. Regarding translation of Otherness, the tendency was standardizing of the third language and softening the Other’s references in the animation movies. Totally, dubbing is considered to be a means to nationalize the Other, however due to the numerous visual references it is not fully accomplished. Some creative solutions were detected in Persian dubbed versions for translating the third language including using L2 regional/social accent and L4 (fabricated accents/dialects).

Author Biographies

Hussein Mollanazar

Associate Professor, Department of English Translation, Allameh Tabataba’i University;

Hamideh Nemati Lafmejani

MA in Translation Studies, Allameh Tabataba’i University;



How to Cite

Mollanazar, H., & Nemati Lafmejani, H. (2018). Translating the Other in American Animations. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 15(59). Retrieved from



Academic Research Paper