Memory-Enhancement Techniques in Interpreter Training


  • Mir Saeed Mousavi Razavi


Having a strong memory is not only a useful asset to an interpreter, but also a crucial one. So much ‎so that it is virtually impossible to succeed in this profession if one does not enjoy a powerful ‎memory, hence the undeniable importance of memory training in interpreter education. The ‎present paper addresses the role memory-enhancement exercises play in the course of training ‎interpreters.‎‏ ‏There are three sections to this paper: first, certain theoretical considerations have ‎been put forth regarding the significance of memory in interpreting as well as memory-‎enhancement exercises in interpreter training. In the second section, six of the major memory-‎boosting techniques have been presented along with their different variations and the ways in ‎which they can be put into practice: comprehensive listening, intensive listening, (re)classifying ‎information, mnemonics, condensation, and shadowing. The final section, as expected, has ‎provided a summary of the paper with certain concluding remarks.‎



How to Cite

Mousavi Razavi, M. S. (2016). Memory-Enhancement Techniques in Interpreter Training. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 14(54). Retrieved from



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