A Pragmatic Analysis of the Functions of Elaborative and Contrastive Discourse Markers in Translation Criticism

The Pragmaticalization of Meaning



This explorative study investigates the pragmatic functions of elaborative and contrastive discourse markers from a metadiscursive perspective. The metadiscursive investigations have revealed the widespread difference between propositional meaning and various flexible pragmatic behaviors of discourse markers results in ambiguity in human communication. The creative, complex, multi-layered context of discourse structure is the source of this flexible pragmatic behavior. This, in turn, results in pragmaticalization of discourse markers in social contexts. During this process, the propositional meaning of discourse markers is replaced with novel interactive meanings and functions in discourse. The exploration of pragmaticalzation system gives rise to an effective resource of knowledge, expertise, and skill in education, research, and learning in our scientific, educational, and administrative environments. Applying Fraser (2006) and Brinton (1996) models in the analysis of randomly sampled translation criticisms during three decades, this descriptive and qualitative study reveales that all examples of elaborative and contrastive discourse markers experienced the process of pragmaticalization. Consequently, a six- plane functional, pragmatic, and interactive, model for monitoring discourse structure in translation criticism genre was explored on the basis of flexible contextual variables. Moreover, the process of pragmaticalization was observed in three discoursal domains of ideation, action, and information. Therefore, the pragmatic functions of these meta-discursive elements are under the influence of the context resulting in a lot of complicated, novel, imaginative, and productive inferences.


discourse markers, translation criticism

Author Biography

Ali Mohammad Mohammadi, Arak University

Assistant Professor, English Department, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Arak University, Arak, Iran;


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How to Cite

Mohammadi, A. M. (2020). A Pragmatic Analysis of the Functions of Elaborative and Contrastive Discourse Markers in Translation Criticism: The Pragmaticalization of Meaning. Iranian Journal of Translation Studies, 18(70), 7–24. Retrieved from https://journal.translationstudies.ir/ts/article/view/802



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